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Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs Ceri Holmes



If your child is considered to have additional needs, we will discuss the situation with you and your child’s name will be noted on our school’s register of Special Needs, a confidential document that all schools keep. This helps to ensure that your child’s needs are met within school.


Our school is an inclusive school. We aim to make all pupils feel included in all our activities. We try to make all our teaching fully inclusive. We recognise the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broad-based curriculum. We have systems in place for early identification of barriers to their learning and participation so that they can engage in school activities with all other pupils. We acknowledge the need for high expectations and suitable targets for all children.

At CJS we have a Sensory Area in school with a dark den, fibre optic lights and a bubble lamp. Big cushions and soft toys are also available to help children with sensory difficulties. We also have a wide range of resources available to help with sensory issues in the classroom (i.e. the fidget toys/timers etc). Children can use these to help then calm down, reflect and chill out when required. We have several classrooms which are fitted with blackout blinds which are suitable for Visually Impaired children.

ALL staff receive up-to-date training to ensure the best possible support is available for children with a range of SEND.


Accessibility plan is available to view below.

The Local Offer 

The Local Offer for special needs and disabilities aims to set out in one place, information about provision across education, health and social care for children and young people aged between 0 and 25.

The Local Offer is for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities. The Local Offer is available to everyone including those without an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.

In Derby City the Local Offer has been designed with feedback from young people and parents in mind.

For more information please visit

Equality Statement

At Chellaston Junior School, we actively seek to encourage equity and equality through our teaching. As such, we seek to advance the equality of opportunity between people who share any of the following characteristic:

  • sex;
  • ethnicity;
  • disability;
  • religion or belief;
  • sexual orientation;
  • gender reassignment;
  • age;
  • civil partnerships;
  • pregnancy or maternity.

The use of stereotypes under any of the above headings will always be challenged.

  • CJS Equality Action Plan below

Admission Arrangements for SEND